Witold Skowroński, T. Stobiecki, J. Wrona, K. Rott, A. Thomas, G. Reiss, S. van Dijken: Spin transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions with a wedge MgO barrier, a talk presented at ICM conference, Karlsruhe, 31.07.09

W. Skowroński, T. Stobiecki, J. Wrona, K. Rott, A. Thomas, G. Reiss, S. van Dijken: Spin transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions with wedge MgO barrier. Poster presented at SPINTECH V conference, Krakow, July 2009.

M. Wołoszyn, B.J. Spisak, P. Wójcik, M. Zegrodnik: The Wigner function approach to spin-dependent electronic transport in presence of magnetic impurities. Poster presented at SPINTECH V conference, Krakow, July 2009.

M.P. Nowak, B. Szafran, S. Bednarek, T.Chwiej and F.M. Peeters: Purification of the spin-orbit coupling type by the Zeeman e ect in quantum dots, Poster presented at Fifth International School and Conference on Spinotronics and Quantum Information Technology, Cracow, Poland 7-11 July, 2009

S.Bednarek, B.Szafran, P.Szumniak, P. Grynkiewicz: Electron Spin read-out in absence of external magnetic field, Poster presented at Fifth International School and Conference on Spinotronics and Quantum Information Technology, Cracow, Poland 7-11 July, 2009

Joanna Tomkowicz, Krzysztof Kułakowski: Statistics of spin avalanches in antiferromagnetic nano-networks, Poster presented at European Conference on Complex Systems 2009, Warwick, Great Britain 21-25.09.2009

A.Hałas, K.Burda, K.Strzałka: Effects of Copper and Cadmium in Photosystem II, Poster presented at The 4th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, (21-25) September 2009 Kraków

Agnieszka Hałas: Początki życia na ziemi, a talk presented at V Seminarium Fizyki Biomolekularnej i Medycznej, 2009 Kraków


K. Drogowska, M. Krupiński, A. Polit, Y. Zabila, M. Perzanowski, M. Wolny-Marszałek, Z. Tarnawski, N.-T.H. Kim-Ngan, A.G. Balogh, J.Broetz : Structure and surface morphology of anneald and irradated FePd thin alloy films poster presented at the 9th Prague Colloquium on f-Electron Systems. 31 May-4 June 2010.

Michał P. Nowak, Bartłomiej Szafran: Time Dependent Configuration Interaction Study of Anisotropic Spin Exchange in Laterally Coupled Quantum Dots, Poster presented at XXIX JASZOWIEC, International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 21-24 June 2010, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland

D.Kosior, J.Zawala, M.Krasowska, K. Malysa: Air at Hydrophobic Surfaces and Three-Phase Contact Formation, Poster presented at EuFoam 2010, Borovets, Bułgaria, 14-16.07.2010

Anna Wójcik, Tomasz Borowski, Ewa Brocławik: The mechanism of the reaction of intradiol dioxygenase with hydroperoxy proble. A DFT study, Poster presented at Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2010, Wrocław, 4-8 July 2010

P.Szumniak, S.Bednarek, B.Szafran, P. Grynkiewicz: Nanodevice for High Precision Readout of Electron Spin, Poster presented at XXIX JASZOWIEC, International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 21-24 June 2010, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland

Młyńczak E., Spiridis N., Freindl K., Giela T., Kozioł-Rachwał A.,Matlak K., Ślęzak T., Ślęzak M., Szczepanik M., Korecki J.: Ultrathin MgO films on Fe(001): growth, morphology and impementation in magnetic tunnel junctions, Poster presented at Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, Kraków, 23 - 28 sierpnia 2010

Joanna Tomkowicz, Julian Gonzalez, Krzysztof Kułakowski: Asymmetric hysteresis loops of systems of bistable nanoscopic wires, a talk presented at NANOSMAT 5 - 5th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials, Reims,France 20.10.2010

P.Wójcik, A. Naylor, M. Wołoszyn, B.J. Hickey, B.J. Spisak, J. Adamowski: Influence of barrier width on values of spin polariation measured by point contact Andreev reflection, Poster presented at International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism 25-30 April 2010, Antalya, Turkey

P.Wójcik, B.J. Spisak, M. Wołoszyn, J. Adamowski: Simulation of spin dependent electronic transport in paramagnetic resonant tunnelling diode, Poster presented at XXIX JASZOWIEC, International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 21-24 July 2010, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland

M. Adamczak, H.J. Hoel, J. Barbasz, P. Warszyński: Nanocapsules of polyelectrolytes labelled with quantum dots, Poster presented at US-Poland Workshop&Summer School Nanoscale Phenomena in Materials and at Interfaces, 6 - 10.06.2010, Kraków, Poland

M. Adamczak, H.J. Hoel, J. Barbasz, P. Warszyński: Complexes of polyelectrolytes with quantum dots, Poster presented at Third International NanoBio Conference 2010, 24 - 27.08.2010, Zurich, Switzerland

M. Adamczak, H.J. Hoel, J. Barbasz, P. Warszyński: Encapsulation of quantum dots in complexes of polyelectrolytes, Poster presented at ECIS 2010, 24th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, 5 - 10.09.2010, Prague, Czech Republic

K. Luberda-Durnaś, M. Łoś, B.Gaweł, W. Łasocha: Synthesis and characterization of new inorganic-organic composite Zns(1,3-DAP)1/2, Poster presented at 52nd Polish Crystallographic Meeting, 24-25 Jule 2010, Wrocław, Poland

A.Hałas , K.Burda M.Lipińska, A.Orzechowska, J.Fiedor, A.I Chumakov, T. Ślęzak, M Zając, K. Matlak, J. Korecki, K.Strzałka and L. Fiedor: Spin states of non-heme iron and protein local motions in reaction centers from purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum modified by Cd2+, Poster presented at 15th International Congress on Photosynthesis, 22-27 August 2010, Beijing, China


W. Skwroński, T. Stobiecki, J. Wrona, G. Reiss, K. Chalapat, G. S. Paraoanu, S. van Dijken: Spin-transfer-torque dependence on MgO tunnel barrier thickness in MTJs, Poster presented at The 1st CSIS International Symposium on Spintronics-based VLSIs and The 7th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics, 3-4 Feb. 2011, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

M.P. Nowak, B. Szafran, F.M. Peeters, B. Partoens, Spin-orbit coupling anisotropy and avoided-crossings in energy spectra of a quantum dot in an in-plane magnetic field Spintech6 conference, August 1-August 5, 2011, Matsue, Japan.

Agnieszka Hałas, Pierre Sebban, Krzysztof Matlak, Józef Korecki and Kvetoslava Burda, Diamagnetic state of non-heme iron in bacterial reactuion centers treated with Cu2+

Agnieszka Hałas, Pierre Sebban, Valerie Derrien, Krzysztof Matlak, Józef Korecki and Kvetoslava Burda, Chemical proprieties of the iron-quinone complex in mutated reaction centres of Rb.sphaeroides

K. Drogowska, S. Flege, H.W. Becker, N.T. Hoa Kim-Ngan, A. Brudnik, Z. Tarnawski, K. Zakrzewska and A.G. Balogh Hydrogen charging effects in Pd/Ti/TiO2/Ti thin films deposited on Si(111) studied by ion beam analysis methods, May 2011, Nice

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