Nanostructures and stability of thin liquid layers


Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Małysa (ICSC) (mail)


Nanostructures and stability of thin liquid layers

Foreign partner:

Prof. dr hab. Dotchi Exerowa - Institute of Physical Chemistry Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Dr habil. Reinhard Miller - MPI Kolloid- und Grenzflachenforschung, Golm/Potsdam, Germany

Brief description:

Influence of motion induced modifications of nanostructures of the adsorption layers of surfactants and bio-surfactants on stability of the symmetric and nonsymmetric (wetting) liquid films will be studied. As state of adsorption layers at liquid/gas and liquid/solid interfaces determines forces of interactions in thin liquid films so modifications of the adsorption layer structure affects stability of the liquid films and kinetics of the three phase contact formation. Effect of motion induced dynamic structure of adsorption layer at liquid/gas interface (bubble surface) and kinetics of surfactant adsorption on stability of the liquid films formed during the rising bubble collisions with liquid/gas and liquid/solid interfaces will be studied. Influence of surface nano-structures and nano-bubbles presence at hydrophobic solids on timescale of the three phase contact formation will be investigated as well. The PhD student stay at the Bulgarian and German Laboratories (for 6-8 months in each Lab) will be devoted to studies on properties of foam films (Bulgarian Lab) and kinetics of surfactant adsorption (German Lab) and analysis of the mutual importance of the DLVO and non-DLVO surfaces forces in stability of the liquid films.

Recruitment of PhD student for the second year.

Students international exchange:

Two visits of the PhD-student in Bulgaria and two visits of the PhD-student in Germany are planned:
first introductory visit in Bulgaria: first half of 2009 (one month, reporting period II )
first introductory visit in Germany: second half of 2009 (one month, reporting period III )
second research visit in Bulgaria: March 2010 - September 2010 (7 months, reporting periods IV and V)
second research visit in Germany: September 2011- March 2012 (8 months, reporting periods VI I and VIII)

The aim of the first visit in Bulgaria and Germany labs are planned for getting familiar with the experimental methods available at the partners institutes and to perform introductory experiments. In Sofia lab. - first measurements of thickness of the thin liquid films using the microinterferometric method for specified surfactants. In Dr Miller lab. (Germany) – measurements of the kinetics of diffusion and rheological properties of selected systems. Prof. Exerowa is world known and acknowledged scientist in the field of forces of interactions in symmetric thin liquid films. Modeling and experimental measurements of surfactant adsorption kinetics and rhelogical properties of adsorption layers is the field of Dr. Miller scientific activity and his achievements in these fields are world-wide acknowledged.

The long term second visits in Germany and Bulgaria labs. will be devoted to the systematic study of on kinetics of diffusion previously selected materials and forces of interactions in thin liquid layers in order to determine role of surfactant structure for the three phase contact formation. The long span of the visits (7 months in Bulgaria and 8 months in Germany) will be beneficial for both PhD student and the partners institutions to obtain a complete set of data needed for full characterization of influence of motion induced modifications of nanostructures of the adsorption layers on stability of the symmetric and non-symmetric liquid films.

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