Electronic structure of artificial atoms and molecules: spin-orbit coupling effects


dr. hab. in¿. Bartłomiej Szafran (AGH) (mail)


Michał Nowak (WFiIS AGH)


Electronic structure of artificial atoms and molecules: spin-orbit coupling effects.

Foreign partner:

prof. F.M. Peeters, prof. B. Partoens. University of Antwerp Belgium

Brief description:

The task of the phd-student will consist in performing a systematic study of few-electron systems confined in single and multiple quantum dots with the account taken for the effects of the spin-orbit coupling originating from the structure inversion asymmetry (Rashba term) and the bulk inversion asymmetry (Dresselhaus term). The thesis will also cover the problem of the spin and charge ordering in quantum dots of low symmetry, in particular the problem of stability of spin-density wave-like distribution observed in the Wigner crystal regime. The calculations will be performed with a finite difference approach employing gauge-invariant kinetic energy discretization. The Antwerp partners have an expertise in this technique based on their long experience in the research on superconductivity modeled with the Landau-Ginzburg equations. The Antwerp group have also an expertise in multiband description of the holes for which the spin-orbit coupling is expected to be particularly strong. The study for the hole will allow us to treat the spin-orbit coupling effects for excitons and manipulation of the photoluminescence spectrum by the external magnetic field with prospects for optoelectronic applications.

Students international exchange:

Visits of the student in Antwerp:
Reporting period III (6 months) . The task of the student is to learn the gauge-independent discretization approach for the Landau-Ginzburg theory and to adapt it to electrons in semiconductor nanostructures.
Reporting period VI (6 months). The student will investigate the spin-orbit coupling for the hole. He will benefit of the Antwerp group expertise in this field.

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